Monday, September 7, 2015

still in mccock nebrasska

well. dodged goingto jail, again. That shit makes my heart race. waited on a phone call that never came and never will honestly i hope i just lose my phone. im starting to resent things ive done. im just gonna roll a couple fat joints and fuck off.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

McCook , Nebraska

ill try and post everyday or every other. brief history. dropped out of soceity lived in my car and tramped the south. eventually met a girl and some trainhops now im hopping freight and having girl issues. currently in McCook Nebraska. headed east to chicago 2nd or 3rd day here dont quite remember. ojwith some other kids zach steven and lindsey  may or may not stay with them for a while depending on my girl issues. oh and i just turned twenty september 3rd. i believe i was in wray colorado.